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InsightTracker Visitor Analytics & SEO system to Elevate Your Online Presence.

In the fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve requires a deep understanding of your online presence and an effective SEO strategy. Our comprehensive Visitor Analytics & SEO Package is designed to provide businesses, marketers, and website owners with the insights and tools needed to optimize their online visibility and engage their audience more effectively. Our package offers an extensive range of visitor analytics features that allow you to dive deep into your website's performance and user behaviors and Key features include

Visitor Analytics to Understand Your Audience Inside Out

  • Unique Visitor Tracking: Gain precise insights into the number of individual visitors engaging with your site, enabling personalized experience optimization.
  • Page View Analysis: Understand which pages attract the most attention and keep users engaged, helping to refine content strategy.
  • Bounce Rate & Average Stay Time: Measure user engagement and website effectiveness. A lower bounce rate and higher stay time indicate compelling content and a user-friendly interface.
  • Traffic Analysis & Top Referrer: Identify traffic sources and top referrers to understand where your audience is coming from and adjust your marketing efforts accordingly.
  • New vs. Returning Visitor Insights: Tailor your content and marketing strategies to both first-time visitors and loyal users.
  • Content Overview & Engagement: Analyze which content performs best, helping you to produce more of what your audience loves.
  • Geographic & Demographic Reports: Detailed country, browser, OS, and device reports offer insights into your audience's preferences, enabling targeted strategy adjustments.

Web Analytics: A Closer Look at Your Online Footprint.

Our package doesn't stop at visitor behavior. It delves deeper into the technical aspects of your online presence with features such as:

  • WHOIS Data & Social Media Analysis: Get detailed information about domain registration and social media presence for a comprehensive understanding of your digital footprint.
  • Moz Check & Search Engine Indexing: Since the SaaS provider handles the IT infrastructure, businesses Evaluate your website's authority and visibility across different search engines, crucial for assessing your SEO performance.
  • Google Page Rank & IP Analysis: Track your website's standing in Google's search results and understand the significance of your IP address in your overall online presence.
  • Malware Check: Ensure your website's security and trustworthiness by regularly checking for potential vulnerabilities or active malware.

SEO Tools: Boost Your Search Engine Visibility

Elevate your website's search engine rankings with our suite of SEO tools, designed to fine-tune your online presence for optimal visibility:

  • Link & Keyword Position Analysis: Monitor the strength and position of your website's links and keywords, crucial for understanding and improving your SEO strategy.
  • Auto Keyword Suggestion: Benefit from automated suggestions for keywords that can increase your site's visibility and attract more relevant traffic.
  • Page Status Check: Regularly assess the health and performance of your website's pages to ensure they are fully optimized and error-free.

Aikaus offers comprehensive self customisable claude base solutions to companies and businesses.
We aim to provide products that are beautifully designed, easy to use, user friendly and a delight to use.

Our Visitor Analytics & SEO Package is the comprehensive solution you need to enhance your website's effectiveness, improve user engagement, and achieve higher search engine rankings. With detailed analytics, insightful web data, and powerful SEO tools at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions, refine your digital strategy, and drive your online success to new heights.
Unlock the full potential of your online presence today and lead your business towards a brighter digital future.

NB: You will need to create API for your admin account & each users will need to create their own API. As system use all Free API version, so due to restriction in number of call, each user needs to create their own API to system work correctly for large amount of users. Needed API are listed bellow
1. Google API
2. Moz API [Creating account may need credit card information, but no cost]
3. Virustotal API
4. Bitly API
5. Rebrandly

How it will help you.

In the comprehensive Visitor Analytics & SEO Package content, the social media platforms that may be analyzed or mentioned include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter.
  • LinkedIn.
  • YouTube.
  • Pinterest.
  • TikTok.


Frequently Asked Questions

Some quick thing our customers will like to know!

With an extensive suite of analytics tools at your disposal, you can make informed decisions based on actual data regarding user behavior, content engagement, and SEO performance. This eliminates guesswork and enables you to strategize with confidence.

Understanding how visitors interact with your website—what they like, what they ignore, where they spend most of their time—allows you to tailor the user experience to meet their needs and preferences, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.

The package's SEO tools help identify and target the right keywords, understand your backlink profile, and analyze your competitors. This leads to better search engine rankings, more organic traffic, and increased visibility among your target audience.

By tracking and analyzing your performance across various social media platforms, you can refine your content strategy, engage with your audience more effectively, and increase your social media presence, leading to higher brand awareness and engagement.

The competitive analysis features allow you to benchmark your performance against that of your competitors, helping you identify opportunities for improvement and areas where you can differentiate yourself to gain a competitive edge.

By understanding which channels and strategies are driving the most engagement and conversions, you can allocate your marketing budget more effectively, ensuring that you're investing in areas that offer the highest return on investment.

Regular monitoring of your online presence, including social media sentiment and website feedback, allows you to address any issues promptly and maintain a positive brand image.

With ongoing insights into emerging trends and changes in user behavior, you can adapt your online strategy to stay relevant and continue meeting your audience's needs effectively.

What we have for you on our Insighttracker system

Complete module
with Reports

Unique Visitor
Page View
Bounce Rate
Average Stay Time
Average Visit
Traffic Analysis
Top Refferer
New & Returning Visitor
Content Overview
Country & Browser Report
OS & Device Report
Project Management Tools.

Complete module
with Reports

Whois Info
MOZ Info
Google Back Link
IP Info
Malware Scan Report
Search Engine Index
Social Network Traffic
Keyword & Meta Info
Mobile Friendly Check

Complete module
with Reports

Facebook Share
Xing, Buffer Share
Reddit Score, Up, Down
Pinterest Pin
StumbleUpon View

Complete module
with Reports

MOZ Check
Google Index
Yahoo Index
Bing Index

Complete module
with Reports

Whois Search Data
Expired (Auction) Domain List
DNS & Server Information

Complete module
with Reports

What is my IP Domain IP Information
Sites in Same IP
IPv6 Compatibility Check
IP Canonical Check
IP Traceout

Complete module
with Reports

Keyword Analyzer
Keyword Position & Suggestion

Complete module
with Reports

Bitly URL Shortener (bulk)
Rebrandly URL Shortener

Complete module
with Reports

Google Safe Browser
AVG Scan
VirusTotal (67 Scans)
Project Management Tools.

Complete module
with Reports

Link Analyzer
Page Status Check

Complete module
with Reports

HTML Minifer
CSS Minifierbr
JavaScript Minifier

Complete module
with Reports

Email Encoder/ Decoder
URL Encoder/ Decoder
Meta Tag Generator
Robot Code Generator
Plagiarism Check (unicode support)
Valid Email Check
Duplicate Email Filter
URL Canonical Check
GZIP Check
Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Complete module
with Reports

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