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Claud-based easy work data collection services.

Capturing work data is time consuming, expensive and often times dirty, as it is ever changing. Tuntilist Platform, which has been simplified for work data collection and gathering. The most relevant data from diverse work segments, peoples, other companies to a common point for reporting and normalisation.

Why use tuntilist

  • Improved Accuracy and Reliability: Automated data collection reduces the likelihood of human error, ensuring more accurate and reliable data.
  • Efficiency and Time-Savin: These systems can gather data quickly and efficiently, saving significant amounts of time compared to manual data collection methods.
  • Real-Time Data Access: Many digital systems allow for real-time monitoring and reporting, which can be crucial for timely decision-making and responsiveness to emerging issues.
  • Accessibility and Mobility: Being cloud-based, these systems can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, offering flexibility for users who travel or work remotely, which is increasingly common across various industries.
  • Real-Time Updates and Maintenance: Cloud systems are maintained by the provider, ensuring that the latest features and security updates are implemented without any action needed from the user. This ensures that businesses across industries are always using the most current technology.
  • Enhanced Security: Providers of cloud-based systems typically invest heavily in security measures, which can be more robust than what individual businesses might afford or implement, providing peace of mind across industries with sensitive data.
  • Customization and Flexibility: These systems often offer a range of customization options, allowing businesses in different industries to tailor the software to their specific needs, whether it’s for room bookings, event management, consultations, or other services.
  • Data Insights and Analytics: With advanced analytics capabilities, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, booking patterns, and operational efficiency, which is beneficial for strategic planning across various industries.
  • Reduced IT Burden: Since the SaaS provider handles the IT infrastructure, businesses can focus more on their core activities rather than on IT management, which is a significant advantage for industries without large IT departments.
  • Sustainability: Cloud-based systems are generally more energy-efficient compared to traditional on-premises solutions, aligning with the growing emphasis on sustainability across industries.
  • Cost Reduction: In the long run, automating data collection and analysis can lead to significant cost savings by reducing the need for manual labor and minimizing errors.
  • Integration with Other Systems: Many digital data collection systems can be integrated with other business tools and platforms, enhancing overall workflow and data synergy.
  • Retain work history and records: Your work history, including roles, responsibilities, and achievements, serves as a reference for future employers. It showcases your career progression and the skill sets you've developed over time.
  • We offer 24/7 support.

Who We Are?
We provide reporting tools to collect data directly from workers, and provide the organisation or company with normalised data. From our system, companies can get personalized information directly from workers. By providing a reliable platform for our clients, which produces detailed work reports from the data provided by workers. Data collection is easy, and as a result the created reports are even easier to read.

What We Do?
We collect data from the analogue world, transform it, and provide it in digital form to our clients. We accelerate information transfer between workers and companies by removing unnecessary middlemen, in order to save time, as time is money.

Our Objectives?
Our objective is to facilitate the alignment and effortless accessibility of occupational tasks and information, thereby bridging the gap between employees and essential resources, and enabling organizations to achieve seamless integration in communication and data workflow. Furthermore, we aim to equip users with a robust and dependable system for the extraction and retrieval of data and information. This system is designed to maintain a comprehensive record of employees' professional trajectories, encapsulating their entire career span

Tuntilist is poised to revolutionize the corporate landscape by offering a cutting-edge platform that significantly streamlines inter-company collaboration, particularly in the realm of human resource management. This innovative system fosters a synergistic network, enabling companies to manage employee resources with heightened efficiency and reliability.

By leveraging Tuntilist, organizations can tap into a centralized database, facilitating swift and secure access to a comprehensive repository of employee data, including skill sets, performance metrics, and career histories. This integration not only optimizes talent acquisition and allocation but also enhances strategic HR planning by providing actionable insights derived from a broad spectrum of workforce analytics. Consequently, Tuntilist is instrumental in cultivating a more dynamic, interconnected business ecosystem where resource management is not only accelerated but also enriched with data-driven precision, ultimately leading to a more robust and responsive HR infrastructure.

How tuntilist will help you.

When moving from one company to another or advancing in your career, retaining your work history and records is crucial for several reasons. These records not only serve as proof of your professional experiences and achievements but also play a vital role in your ongoing career development.

  • Connecting companies together.
  • Digital Record-Keeping.
  • Professional Reference.
  • Resume and CV Update.
  • Performance Evidences.
  • Career Reflection and Planning.
  • Legal and Compliance Reasons.
  • Networking and Professional Relationships.
  • Personal Development.
  • Portfolio Building.
  • Easy access employee information on same network.
  • Work documents retaining.
  • 24/7 Booking Accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ )

Frequently Asked Questions

Some quick thing our customers will like to know!

1.) Digital Record-Keeping: Utilize digital tools like LinkedIn, personal databases, or cloud storage to keep an organized record of your work history, achievements, and samples of your work.
2.) No records lost in working life: Utilize digital service, all records are saved for referencing and portfolio building.
3.) Performance Evidence: Detailed records of your performance in career, such as projects completed, targets achieved, and recognitions or awards received, are valuable for illustrating your competencies and successes in future job interviews or performance evaluations.
4.) Available data: Availiable data in your data bank ready to retrive for any official use or documentation.
5.) Professional information: Availiable information on training and education from pivotal role companies in supporting and enriching the professional lives of employees

Tuntilist provides worker and employee data to other companies within its industry network to foster a more interconnected and dynamic business environment. By sharing this valuable information, companies can more effectively identify and engage with potential candidates, optimizing their talent acquisition strategies. This sharing of data enhances collaboration and resource allocation across the network, allowing companies to rapidly respond to shifting workforce needs and leverage the collective skills and expertise within the industry.

If a customer decides to discontinue using the aikaus Claude SAAS system service, it's important for them to follow a few key steps to ensure a smooth termination.
1.) They should notify Veeplo Claude's customer support or account management team about their decision, adhering to any contractual notice periods.
2.) It's crucial to understand the terms of service, particularly regarding data ownership and the process for data retrieval or transfer.
3.) The customer should ensure they have a complete backup of all their data stored on the Veeplo Claude system before the account is closed.
4.) Additionally, they may need to consider finding and transitioning to an alternative solution that meets their business requirements.
5.) To minimize disruption, it's advisable to plan this transition carefully, potentially overlapping services if necessary to ensure business continuity.
6.) Finally, providing feedback to Tuntilist about why they are choosing to leave the service could be beneficial for both parties, as it offers valuable insights for service improvement.

Our service provides a complimentary plan, and therefore, discounts are not applicable to any additional tools or modules that you choose to integrate into your workspace dashboard.

Our platform is an advanced software solution engineered to function across multiple dimensions, significantly optimizing development costs and reducing the expenses associated with service utilization. If custom development is needed to adapt our software to your unique business model, we are prepared to engage in detailed discussions and efficiently implement the necessary customizations.

The Tuntilist application is engineered to meticulously preserve employee records as individuals progress through their career trajectories. This advanced platform enables seamless transitioning of employees between different organizations within the same network, ensuring that their comprehensive work histories, including reports and records from previous employers, remain intact and accessible. Moreover, the app is adept at facilitating internal transfers within the same company, from one department or unit to another. This capability ensures that there is a clear demarcation and continuity in work documentation and performance reporting, preventing any overlap or confusion in the employee's record. Thus, Tuntilist serves as a centralized, efficient, and user-friendly solution for maintaining consistent and accurate employee data throughout various stages and changes in their professional journey.

On the Tuntilist platform, service companies play a pivotal role in supporting and enriching the professional lives of employees. These entities, encompassing a diverse range of sectors such as workers trade unions, tax administration, and safety and regulatory bodies, work insurances, occupational health , profesional training and more.... are dedicated to imparting crucial knowledge and guidance to the workforce. They offer educational resources on work ethics, and ensure employees are well-informed about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. By integrating these services into the Tuntilist app, employees gain easy and direct access to a wealth of information and support. This streamlined approach not only empowers employees with the knowledge they need to navigate their professional environments effectively but also fosters a culture of informed compliance and ethical conduct within the workplace.

For Companies, Units, and Wokers

Complete module
with Reports
Complete module
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Service companies

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Complete module
with Reports

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